Wednesday, January 27, 2010

“If this is justice, I am a banana”

I am an idealist. I believe that good should be rewarded and bad should be punished. Hard-working employees should get promotions and good-for-nothing average performing ass-kissers should get demoted or worse kicked out. People who stand up for what’s right should be lauded and the perpetrators should be given their due.

But, we do not live in an ideal world. Things do not happen as we want them to, they do not even happen as they ‘ought’ to. The ideal world is ‘how the world ought to be’.
But it isn’t.

Day after day, we see injustices take place, walk around, sleep on their desks, shout at us - in the family, in the workplace, in the train (yes! Even in the trains....ok maybe not), on the streets, in the courts, on campuses, around the world. Criminals going scot-free on technicalities or lack of witnesses, lazy government employees getting bonuses, corrupt and criminal individuals getting in to politics – not to run the country but to stuff their pockets. One look at the newspaper in the morning and whatever little hope or optimism you woke up with, dissipates.

And then you think, will there ever be justice? Will something ever be fair? Will this lazy lump of corruption ever be gone? And somehow, when you least expect it, when you have resigned to the unjust state of affairs, comes the light of justice you were waiting for, one you thought you will never see.

At first, it is hard to believe, ‘It can’t be true!’ How did something so evil and contagious and lingering, just go away?! ..Yes, it’s only a small little miracle in the large scheme of things. But it’s a miracle nonetheless. And it’s little miracles like these that are the fuel for the almost never-ending hope and faith.


  1. very true! think its time for action !

  2. wondering if i should reply here or on my blog:)
    thanks for stopping by :) oh! yeah u can totally use it :)

  3. hey twilighter! As bella would have said, life isn't fair to anyone! You surely must have heard that.

  4. @Smriti Thanks! and you're welcome! :)
    @Maudlin Yes I sure have. Thanks for visiting. :)
