Friday, December 31, 2010

A Quick Review and a Quick Adieu

Last day of 2010 and I want to pay my respect and bid farewell to yet another year. 2010 was on hindsight more of a good year than bad. I met many good people and made new friends. I got an awesome job (awesome, that is, till now. These things have a way changing colour without notice). I got two awesome phones (one of which I lost :( which led me to getting the 2nd one :) which am using to write this post now! This one worked out quite well.)

I also achieved some milestones and I also did things that I had not done before. This year was also a year of firsts - my first smartphone, my first Stewie Doll, my first pair of ridiculously expensive jeans, my first extremely short hair cut to name a few. So I say goodbye to 2010 with a fond smile and with lots of fond memories.

And I welcome 2011 with hopes and expectations. I know it will be a tough year because of some personal reasons. I just wish I can rush through it. It will be difficult. But I have hope. There's a lot to do and a lot to learn and I hope to come out on top.

My near year resolution was to make a bucket list but I haven't gotten around to it yet. So this task postponed for 1st Jan.

Whoever is reading this, I wish you a rocking, fantabulous, prosperous, happy new year!
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