Sunday, October 18, 2009

To rant.. or Not to rave?..that the question..

Hel-loo .. A very Happy Diwali to all my readers and a much Happier Diwali to all my Followers and Subscribers ;) yes I know it has been Long time, no read. Been so busy with 'the works', as you all can identify with..

So I take the occasion of Diwali to resume blogging..festivals seem to be my motivation..I started blogging around Eid time..

Though I haven't had time to post, I have been thinking what I should rant or rave about? I have more rant topics than rave, but that's no surprise. So here are a few things that crossed my mind:

1. Should I write about the trials and travails of daily peak-hour train travelling? - titled Leave Me Breathless!

2. Should I write about how I deserve a Nobel prize and not Barrack Obama? - titled 'I'd kill for a Nobel Peace prize.'

3. Should I write about Facebook and the quirky ppl on it? (some of my readers and frnds may/will be mentioned anonymously but u'll kno who you are so no takin any offense, Mm Kay?) - titled "What are you doing RIGHT NOW??"

4. or Should I write about the delight of watching Arrested Development? (I've only seen Season 1 so I'll be referring to that one season. And the show is soo delightful that it practically leaves me speechless.. so don't think I'd be able to write much about it anyway. ok so scrap this one. )

So we have 3 topics and I want you guys, all three of you, to tell me which one you'd like me to post about. I am thus putting up a poll as well. When the poll ends, the option with the lowest votes wins!

So hurry, Vote for your least favourite option! Poll closes tomorrow!!

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